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Professor Jorge E. Galán Joined SDU as the Honorary Chair Professor

Release date:2019-06-02    Author:     Editor: liyuan    Click:

Recently, Jorge E. Galán, member of the USA National Academy of Science and Chair of the Department of Microbial Pathogenesis at the Yale University, joined SDU as the honorary chair professor. The appointment ceremony was held in SDU Qingdao campus.

Jia Lei, vice president of SDU Qingdao campus, awarded the letter of appointment to Jorge E. Galán and addressed the appointment ceremony. During the ceremony, Jia Lei extended a warm welcome to Professor Jorge E. Galán for joining SDU, introduced the status quo and future plan of SDU Qingdao campus, and illustrated SDU's support to the State Key Laboratory of Microbiologyin the field of talent introduction, scientific research and international exchange. He said that the participation of Jorge E. Galán would give SDU more access to high quality social resources for SDU and help to promote the State Key Laboratory of Microbiology in terms of international exchange, team building and outcomes yielding, so as to enhance the academic level and international reputation. Jorge E. Galán said he was delighted to join the SDU and hoped to play a constructive role in advancing cooperation between the two sides. He was willing to provide assistance to young scientists, so as to make contributions to the development of microbiology in SDU.

Jorge E. Galán, member of the USA National Academy of Science and Chair of the Department of Microbial Pathogenesis at the Yale University School of Medicine, mainly studies in the field of microbial pathogenesis of intestinal diseases.Dr. Galán is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Pew Scholar in Biomedical Sciences, the Searle Scholar Award and the Robert Koch Prize (the highest microbiology honor in the world).He has authored more than 200 publications in high level academic magazines, including Nature,Science,Cell and PNAS, with more than 37,000 citations and a h-index of 100.

Translated by: Chen Yaxian


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