
Hailong Wang

Release date:2024-01-18    Author:     Editor: Cui Bing    Click:

Name: Hailong Wang

Title: Professor

PhD Supervisor

E-mail: wanghailong@sdu.edu.cn










Biotechnology Center, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Molecular Biology



School of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, China




School of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, China


Research Experience

Date Affiliation Position
2021-present State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Institute of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, China Deputy Dean / Deputy Director
2018- present State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Institute of Microbial Technology, Helmholtz International Lab for Anti-infectives, Shandong University–Helmholtz Institute of Biotechnology, Shandong University, China Professor
2013-2018 State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Institute of Microbial Technology, Helmholtz International Lab for Anti-infectives, Shandong University–Helmholtz Institute of Biotechnology, Shandong University, China Postdoc
2008-2010 Biotechnology Center, Technical University of Dresden, Germany Exchange PhD student

Research Interests

1.Microbial Synthetic Biology.

2.Development of Gene Editing Methods.

3.Microbial Biosynthesis of Antibiotics/Protein Drugs.

4.Tumor-Targeting Bacteria Engineering.

5.Phage and Virus Engineering.

Efficient biosynthesis of microbial drugs has become the research frontier and focus of synthetic biology. As an important enabling technology, gene editing is a research hotspot. I have been committed to theoretical and technological innovation in this field and made important achievements. The breakthrough direct cloning technology was developed to efficiently capture >100kb target gene clusters from microbial chromosomes. An innovative DNA assembly method was developed to efficiently stitch >13 gene fragments, which facilitated establishing the multi-operon artificial gene cluster strategy for refactoring large and complex pathways. The seamless mutagenesis technology was developed to precisely modify the core skeleton structure of polyketides. A high-throughput technology platform was established for direct cloning and transfer of gene clusters. Based on these innovative gene editing methods, compatibility of the polyketide drug spinosad biosynthetic pathway to the chassis host was significantly improved. Furthermore, an artificial polyketide synthase was created to synthesize the new drug butenyl-spinosyns. As the first / corresponding author, I have published 16 papers in scientific journals including Nat Protoc, Nucleic Acids Res (3 papers) and ACS Synth Biol. The research in my group focuses on development of gene editing methods and their application in efficient biosynthesis / derivatization of natural product drugs.

Research Projects

1. Shandong Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth Scholars, 2023.01-2025.12

2. National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2022.01-2024.12

3. Outstanding Young Scholars of Shandong University (the first level), 2022.01-2026.12

4. National Key Research and Development Project, 2020.01-2024.12

5. Major Basic Research Project of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 2019.12-2024.12

6. National Key Research and Development Project, 2019.07-2024.07

7. Shandong Taishan Scholars Young Expert, 2019.01-2023.128. Qilu Young Scholar of Shandong University, 2018.07-2023.7

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2020.12

Representative Publications

1.Yu, G.; Duan, Q.; Cui, T.; Jiang, C.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, H. * & Luan, J. *, Development of a bacterial gene transcription activating strategy based on transcriptional activator positive feedback, Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, Dec 18:S2090-1232(23)00400-9.

2.Li, X. #; Guo, R.; Luan, J.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y. & Wang, H.*, Improving spinosad production by tuning expressions of the forosamine methyltransferase and the forosaminyl transferase to reduce undesired less active byproducts in the heterologous host Streptomyces albus J1074, Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22(1), 15.

3.Li,Y; Cui, T.; Zhang, H.; Yu, G.; Luan, J.* & Wang, H.*, Research Advances of Tumor-targeting Bacteria Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 in Cancer Therapy, China Biotechnology, 2023, 43(6): 54-68.

4.Jiang, C.; Cui, T.; Sun, H.; Jiao, N.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y.* & Wang, H.*, Efficient capture and assembly of AT-rich genomic fragments using ExoCET-BAC strategy, Synthetic Biology Journal, 2022, 3(1): 238-251.

5.Jiang, T. #,*; Yang, X. #; Li, G.; Zhao, X.; Sun, T.; Muller, R.; Wang, H.*; Li, M.* & Zhang, Y.*, Bacteria-Based Live Vehicle for In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93(47), 15687-15695.

6.Tang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Cui, T.; Lei, P.; Guo, Z. *; Wang, H.*& Liu, Q. *, The Discovery of Actinospene, a New Polyene Macrolide with Broad Activity against Plant Fungal Pathogens and Pathogenic Yeasts, Molecules, 2021, 26(22).

7.Song, C.#; Luan, J.#; Li, R.; Jiang, C.; Hou, Y.; Cui, Q.; Cui, T.; Tan, L.; Ma, Z.; Tang, Y. J.; Stewart, A. F.; Fu, J.; Zhang, Y. & Wang, H.*, RedEx: a method for seamless DNA insertion and deletion in large multimodular polyketide synthase gene clusters, Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48(22), e130.

8.Jiang, C; Zhou, H; Sun, H; He, R; Song, C; Cui, T; Luan, J; Fu, J; Zhang, Y; Jiao, N; Wang, H.*, Establishing an efficient salinomycin biosynthetic pathway in three heterologous Streptomyces hosts by constructing a 106-kb multioperon artificial gene cluster, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 2021, 118: 4668-4677.

9.Abbasi, M. N.; Fu, J.; Bian, X.; Wang, H.*; Zhang, Y.* & Li, A.*, Recombineering for Genetic Engineering of Natural Product Biosynthetic Pathways, Trends in Biotechnology, 2020, 38(7), 715-728.

10.Song, C.#; Luan, J.#; Cui, Q.; Duan, Q.; Li, Z.; Gao, Y.; Li, R.; Li, A.; Shen, Y.; Li, Y.; Stewart, A. F.; Zhang, Y.*; Fu, J.* & Wang, H.*, Enhanced heterologous spinosad production from a 79-kb synthetic multi-operon assembly, ACS Synthetic Biology, 2019, 8(1), 137-147.

11.Wang, H. #; Li, Z.; Jia, R.; Yin, J.; Li, A.; Xia, L.; Yin, Y.; Muller, R.; Fu, J.*; Stewart, A. F.* & Zhang, Y.*, ExoCET: exonuclease in vitro assembly combined with RecET recombination for highly efficient direct DNA cloning from complex genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(5), e28.

12.Wang, H.#; Li, Z.#; Jia, R.; Hou, Y.; Yin, J.; Bian, X.; Li, A.; Muller, R.; Stewart, A. F.*; Fu, J.* & Zhang, Y.*, RecET direct cloning and Redab recombineering of biosynthetic gene clusters, large operons or single genes for heterologous expression, Nature Protocols, 2016, 11(7), 1175-1190.

13.Wang, H. #; Bian, X.; Xia, L.; Ding, X.; Müller, R.; Zhang, Y.*; Fu, J.* & Stewart, A. F.*, Improved seamless mutagenesis by recombineering using ccdB for counterselection, Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42(5), e37.

14.Jing, X.#; Cui, Q.#; Li, X.; Yin, J.; Ravichandran, V.; Pan, D.; Fu, J.; Tu, Q.; Wang, H.*; Bian, X.* & Zhang, Y.*, Engineering Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 to improve its antifungal activity and nitrogen fixation, Microbial Biotechnology, 2020, 13(1), 118-133.

15.Luan, J.#; Li, Z.#; Wang, H.*; Fu, J. & Zhang, Y., In vitro assay revealed mismatches between guide RNA and target DNA can enhance Cas9 nuclease activity, Current Chinese Science, 2020, 1(1), 69-72.

16.Zhang, Y.#; Liu, R.#; Tian, K.#; Wang, Z.#; Yang, X.; Gao, D.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, J.*; Wang, H.* & Zhao, J.*, Fiber2 and hexon genes are closely associated with the virulence of the emerging and highly pathogenic fowl adenovirus 4, Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2018, 7(1), 199.

17.Wang, H. #; Yao, T.; Cai, M.; Xiao, X.; Ding, X. & Xia, L.*, A genome walking strategy for the identification of nucleotide sequences adjacent to known regions, Biotechnology Letters, 2013, 35(2), 279-284.

18.Rostovskaya, M.1, Fu, J., Obst, M., Baer, I., Weidlich, S., Wang, H., Smith, A. J. H., Anastassiadis, K.* & Stewart, A. F.*, Transposon-mediated BAC transgenesis in human ES cells, Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 40(19), e150.

19.Zhang, W. 1, Fu, J.1, Liu, J., Wang, H., Schiwon, M., Janz, S., Schaffarczyk, L., von der Goltz, L., Ehrke-Schulz, E., Domer, J., Solanki, M., Boehme, P., Bergmann, T., Lieber, A., Lauber, C., Dahl, A., Petzold, A., Zhang, Y.*, Stewart, A. F.* & Ehrhardt, A.*, An engineered virus library as a resource for the spectrum-wide exploration of virus and vector diversity, Cell Reports, 2017, 19(8), 1698-1709.

20.Zhang, W. 1, Fu, J., Liu, J., Wang, H., Schulz, E., Solanki, M., Boehme, P., Gebbing, M., Bergmann, T., Doerner, J., Stewart, A. F. & Ehrhardt, A.*, High-throughput cloning and tagging of an engineered adenovirus-library empowers vector diversity for broad applications, Molecular Therapy, 2015, 23, S21.

21.Bian, X. 1, Tang, B. 1, Yu, Y., Tu, Q., Gross, F., Wang, H., Li, A., Fu, J., Shen, Y., Li, Y., Stewart, A. F., Zhao, G., Ding, X.*, Muller, R.* & Zhang, Y.*, Heterologous production and yield improvement of epothilones in Burkholderiales strain DSM 7029, ACS Chemical Biology, 2017, 12(7), 1805-1812.

22.Yin, J. 1, Wang, H., Li, R., Ravichandran, V., Bian, X., Li, A., Tu, Q., Stewart, A.F., Fu, J.* & Zhang, Y.*, A practical guide to recombineering in Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 2017.

23.Ravichandran, V.1, Zhong, L., Wang, H., Yu, G., Zhang, Y.* & Li, A.*, Virtual screening and biomolecular interactions of CviR-based quorum sensing inhibitors against chromobacterium violaceum, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2018, 8, 292.

24.Liu, Q. 1, Shen, Q. 1, Bian, X., Chen, H., Fu, J., Wang, H., Lei, P., Guo, Z., Chen, W.*, Li, D.* & Zhang, Y.*, Simple and rapid direct cloning and heterologous expression of natural product biosynthetic gene cluster in Bacillus subtilis via Red/ET recombineering, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 34623.

25.Jiang, B. 1, Zhang, R., Feng, D., Wang, F., Liu, K., Jiang, Y., Niu, K., Yuan, Q., Wang, M., Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Fang, X.*, A Tet-on and Cre-loxP based genetic engineering system for convenient recycling of selection markers in Penicillium oxalicum, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, 485.

26.Zhu, L. 1, Yue, X., Han, K., Li, Z., Zheng, L., Yi, X., Wang, H., Zhang, Y. & Li, Y.*, Allopatric integrations selectively change host transcriptomes, leading to varied expression efficiencies of exotic genes in Myxococcus xanthus, Microbial Cell Factories, 2015, 14, 105.

27.Bian, X. 1, Huang, F., Wang, H., Klefisch, T., Muller, R.* & Zhang, Y.*, Heterologous production of glidobactins/luminmycins in Escherichia coli Nissle containing the glidobactin biosynthetic gene cluster from Burkholderia DSM7029, Chembiochem, 2014, 15(15), 2221-2224.

28.Yu, F.1, Jing, X., Li, X., Wang, H., Chen, H., Zhong, L., Yin, J., Pan, D., Yin, Y., Fu, J., Xia, L., Bian, X., Tu, Q. & Zhang, Y., Recombineering Pseudomonas protegens CHA0: An innovative approach that improves nitrogen fixation with impressive bactericidal potency, Microbiology Research, 2019, 218, 58-65.

26. Fu, J.#; Bian, X.#; Hu, S.; Wang, H.; Huang, F.; Seibert, P. M.; Plaza, A.; Xia, L.; Müller, R.*; Stewart, A. F.* & Zhang, Y.*, Full-length RecE enhances linear-linear homologous recombination and facilitates direct cloning for bioprospecting, Nature Biotechnology, 2012, 30(5), 440-446.

Honors and Awards

1.Shandong Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth Scholars, 2022

2.Shandong Youth Science and Technology Award, 2022

3.National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2021

4.Outstanding Young Scholars of Shandong University (the first level), 2022

5.Shandong Taishan Scholars Young Expert, 2019

6.The second prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education, 2019

7.Outstanding PhD Thesis Award of Shandong University, instructor, 2020

8.The second prize of Shandong Undergraduate Biology Contest, instructor, 2022

9.The Top 10 Teachers of Shandong University at Qingdao, 2020

10.The Top 10 Teachers of Shandong University at Qingdao, 2019

11.The Qilu Youth Scholar of Shandong University, 2018


1.Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang, Jun Fu, Stewart Francis, New technique for genomic large fragment direct cloning and DNA multi-molecular assembly, European patents, EP3604524B1.

2.Hailong Wang, Chaoyi Song, Ji Luan, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang. A method for seamless DNA insertion and deletion in large gene clusters, Chinese patents, ZL202010147911.2

3.Hailong Wang, Chaoyi Song, Jun Fu, Youming Zhang. A method for construction and application of the plasmids with Spinosad multioperon artificial gene cluster, Chinese patents, ZL201811407515.8

4.Guangle Yu, Hailong Wang, Qiang Tu, Youming Zhang. Construction and application of a Pseudomonas stutzeri mutant strain, Chinese patents, ZL202010068324.4.

5.Youming Zhang, Hailong Wang, Jun Fu, Stewart Francis. A new technology for direct DNA cloning of large regions and multi-molecular assembly, Chinese patents, ZL201710177676.1.

Adress:State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Qingdao 266237, P.R. China

Tel: (86)-0532-58631501  (86)-0532-58631597  Post Code: 266237

CopyRight ® 2018 State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University