
Mingyu Wang

Release date:2019-06-24    Author:     Editor: liyuan    Click:








Pennsylvania State University

Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology



Peking University

Biological Sciences

Research Experience





Shandong University

Associate Professor


Shandong University



Pennsylvania State University


Research Interests

1. Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, dissemination mechanisms and solution

2. Bacterial infection control and prevention

3. Microbiome and its relation to human diseases

4. Regulation mechanisms for cellulase synthesis

Research Projects

18. the Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, Mechanisms for antimicrobial resistance threat in clinical wastewater and its elimination, No. 2018JC013, Jan 2018-Dec 2020, RMB 250,000

17. the Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, Atmospheric distribution and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes, No. 2018JC027, Jan 2018-Dec 2020, RMB 250,000

16. the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology Open Project Funds, Shandong University, Microbiological basis for recurrent aphthous stomatitis, No. M2018-07, Jul 2018-May 2019, RMB 30,000

15. Antimicrobial resistance bacteria contamination in gymnastic apparatus, Apr 2018-Arp 2020, RMB 110,000

14. the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology Open Project Funds, Shandong University,Dissemination and removal of antibiotic pollution and resistance in aquatic ecosystems, No. M2017-07, May 2017-May 2018, RMB 20,000

13. Shandong Province Key Research and Development Program, Fast identification mechanisms for oral bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistance, No. 2018GSF11800, Jan 2018-Dec 2019, RMB 150,000

12. Jinan Cultural Industry Development Fund,Control and prevention technology for fungi contamination in antiques, Oct 2017-Dec 2019, RMB 200,000

11. the National Key Research and Development Program of China, Research on intestinal microecology and implication on health effects related to Chinese traditional food, No. 2017YFD040030, Jul 2017-Dec 2020, RMB 1,080,000

10. the National Natural Science Foundation of China, The composition and mechanisms of cellulase-inducing carbon source signal transduction pathways inTrichoderma reesei, No. 31770043, Jan 2018-Dec 2021, RMB 550,000

9. the Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, Antimicrobial resistance and its mechanisms of pathogens in respiratory tract, No. 2017JC028, Jan 2017-Dec 2019, RMB 350,000

8. School of Life Sciences Innovation Fund, Expression and regulation mechanism of antimicrobial resistance genes in Class I integrons, Nov 2016-Dec 2016, RMB 80,000

7. Shandong Province Key Research and Development Program, Rational design, preparation and application of highly efficient cellulases,No. 2016GSF121040, Sep 2016-Dec 2017, RMB 100,000.

6. The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, Antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance gene pollution and removal mechanism is wastewater treatment systems, No. 2015JC025, Jan 2015-Dec 2017, RMB 350,000

5. The National Key Technology R&D Program of China, Bioconversion of lignocellulose-based effective components of gasoline and diesel, No.2014BAD02B07, Jan 2014-Dec 2016, RMB 800,000

4.Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, Distribution and characterization of hydrogenases inClostridium thermocellum, Dec 2013-Dec 2015, RMB 35,000

3. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, The investigation of the function and properties of the membrane-bound Ech hydrogenase complex inClostridium thermocellum, Jan 2013-Dec 2015, RMB 230,000

2. Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation, Characterization of Ech hydrogeanses inClostridium thermocellum, No.ZR2012CQ022, Jul 2012-Jul 2015, RMB 60,000

1. The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, Hydrogen production mechanism inClostridium thermocellum, No.2011HW008, Oct 2011-Dec 2013, RMB 90,000.

Representative Publications

34. Li L, Yu T, Ma Y, Yang Z, Wang W, Song X, Shen Y, Guo T, Kong J,Wang M *, Xu H *. 2019. The genetic structures of an Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR)Klebsiella pneumoniae and its plasmids. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 8: 446.

33.Wang M 1, Ma Y 1, Li L, Wang B, Wei X, Zhang M, Wang J, Cui Q, Li Z *, Xu H *. 2019. The diversity of glycosylation of cellobiohydrolase I fromTrichoderma reesei determined with mass spectrometry. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 508(3): 818-824.

32. Bie L, Fang M, Li Z,Wang M *, Xu H *. 2018. Identification and characterization of new resistance-conferring SGI1s (Salmonella genomic island 1) inProteus mirabilis. Front Microbiol 9: 3172. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03172.

31. Wan X, Gao M, Wang Y, Xu H,Wang M, Wang X*. 2017. Formation, characteristics and microbial community of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of sulfadiazine at environmentally relevant concentrations. Bioresour Technol250:486-494.

30. Yuan S, Gao M, Zhu F, Afzal MZ, Wang Y, Xu H,Wang M, Wang S, Wang X*. 2017. Disintegration of aerobic granules during prolonged operation. Environ Sci: Water Res Technol3:757.

29. Wang M1, Shen W1, Yan L, Wang X, Xu H*. 2017. Stepwise impact of urban wastewater treatment on bacterial community structure, content of antibiotics, and prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Environ Pollut 231(P2):1578-1585.

28. Wang M, Zhang M, Li L, Dong Y, Jiang Y, Liu K, Zhang R, Jiang B, Niu K, Fang X*. 2017. Role ofTrichoderma reesei mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cellulase formation. Biotechnol Biofuels 10:99.

27.Guo N, Wang Y*, Yan L, Wang X,Wang M, Xu H, Wang S*. 2017. Effect of bio-electrochemical system on the fate and proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes during the treatment of chloramphenicol wastewater. Water Res 117:95-101.

26.Bie L, Wu H, Wang X,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2017. Identification and Characterization of new SXT/R391 family integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) inProteus mirabilis isolates from broiler carcasses. Int J Antimicrob Agents50(2):242-246

25.Yan Z,Wang M, Ferry JG*. 2016. A Ferredoxin- and F420H2-dependent, electron-bifurcating, heterodisulfide reductase with homologs in the domainsBacteria andArchaea. mBio8:e02285-16.

24.Yan L, Liu D, Wang X, Wang Y,Wang M*, Xu H*. 2017. Bacterial plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes in aquatic environments in China. Sci Rep7:40610.

23. Wang M*, Hou J*. 2017. Biorefinery of lignocellulosics for biofuels and biochemicals, p 143-191.In Lau PCK (ed), Quality living through chemurgy and green chemistry, Springer-Verlag GamH, Germany.

22.Wu H,Wang M,Liu Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Lu J, Xu H*. 2016. Data on the phylogenetic typing, integron gene cassette array analysis, multi-drug resistance analysis and correlation between antimicrobial resistance determinants inKlebsiellastrains. Data Brief8:1289-1294.

21. Wang M, Zhao Q, Li L, Niu K, Li Y, Wang F, Jiang B, Liu K, Jiang Y, Fang X*. 2016. Contributing factors in the improvements of cellulosic H2 production inClostridium thermocellum/Thermoanaerobacteriumco-cultures. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol100(19):8607-8620.

20.Liu R, Wang X*, Zhang Y,Wang M, Gao M, Wang S. 2016. Optimization of operation conditions for the mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from aerobic nitrifying granular sludge system. Environ Sci Pollut Res23(10):9518-9528.

19.Wu H,Wang M, Liu Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Lu J, Xu H*. 2016. Characterization of antimicrobial resistance inKlebsiella species isolated from chicken broilers. Int J Food Microbiol232:95-102.

18.Gao M, Yang S,Wang M, Wang X*. 2016. Nitrous oxide emissions from an aerobic granular sludge system treating low-strength ammonium wastewater. J Biosci Bioeng doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2016.04.004.

17.Jiang B, Zhang R, Feng D, Wang F, Liu K, Jiang Y, Niu K, Yuan Q,Wang M, Wang H, Zhang Y, Fang X*. 2016. A Tet-on and Cre-loxP based genetic engineering system for convenient recycling of selection markers inPenicillium oxalicum. Front Microbiol7:486.

16.Wang F, Jiang Y, Guo W, Niu K, Zhang R, Hou S,Wang M, Yi Y, Zhu C, Jia C, Fang X*. 2016. An environmentally friendly and productive process for bioethanol production from potato waste. Biotechnol Biofuels9:50.

15.Liu K, Dong Y, Wang F, Jiang B,Wang M, Fang X*. 2016. Regulation of cellulase expression, sporulation and morphogenesis by velvet family proteins inTrichoderma reesei. Appl Microbiol Technol100(2):769-779.

14. Wang M,Han L, Liu S, Zhao X, Yang J, Loh SK, Sun X, Zhang C, Fang X*. 2015. A Weibull statistics-based lignocellulose saccharification model and a built-in parameter accurately predict lignocellulose hydrolysis performance. Biotechnol J10(9):1424-1433.

13.Wang F, Liu K, Han L, Jiang B,Wang M, Fang X*. 2015. Function of a p24 heterodimer in morphogenesis and protein transport inPenicillium oxalicum. Sci Rep5:11875.

12. Wang M, Yang H, Zhang M, Liu K, Wang H, Luo Y, Fang X*. 2015. Functional analysis ofTrichoderma reeseiCKIIα2, a catalytic subunit of casein kinase II. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol99(14):5929-5938.

11. Wang M, Dong Y, Zhao Q, Wang F, Liu K, Jiang B, Fang X*. 2014. Identification of the role of a MAP kinase Tmk2 inHypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei). Sci Rep 4:6732.

10. Suharti S,Wang M, de Vries S, Ferry JG*. 2014. Characterization of the RnfB and RnfG Subunits of the Rnf Complex from the ArchaeonMethanosarcina acetivorans. PLoS ONE9(5):e97966.

9. Wang F, Liang Y,Wang M, Yang H, Liu K, Zhao Q, Fang X*. 2013. Functional diversity of the p24γ homologue Erp reveals physiological differences between two filamentous fungi. Fungal Genet Biol61:15-22.

8. Wang M,He D, Liang Y, Liu K, Jiang B, Wang F, Hou S, Fang X*. 2013. Factors involved in the response to improvement of agitation during cellulase production fromPenicillium decumbens JUA10-1. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol40(9):1077-1082.

7. Wang M,Zhao Q, Yang J, Jiang B, Wang F, Liu K, Fang X*. 2013. A mitogen-activated protein kinase Tmk3 participates in high osmolarity resistance, cell wall integrity maintenance and cellulase production regulation inTrichoderma reesei. PLoS ONE8(8): e72189.

6. Wang M,Mu Z, Wang J, Hou S, Han L, Dong Y, Xiao L, Xia R, Fang X*. 2013. The identification of and relief from Fe3+ inhibition for both cellulose and cellulase in cellulose saccharification catalyzed by cellulases fromPenicillium decumbens. Bioresour Technol133:507-512.

5. Wang M, Liu K, Dai L, Zhang J, Fang X*. 2013. The structural and biochemical basis for cellulose biodegradation. J Chem Technol Biot88(4):491-500.

4. Zhang J,Wang M, Gao M, Fang X*, Yano S, Qin S, Xia R. 2013. Efficient acetone-butanol-ethanol production from corncob with a new pretreatment technology - wet disk milling. Bioenerg Res6(1):35-43.

3. Wang M,Li Z, Fang X*, Wang L, Qu Y. 2012. Cellulolytic enzyme production and enzymatic hydrolysis for second-generation biofuel production. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol128:1-24.

2. Wang M, Tomb JF, Ferry JG*. 2011. Electron transport in acetate-grownMethanosarcina acetivorans. BMC Microbiol11:165.

1. Doerfert SN1, Reichlen M1, Iyer P,Wang M, Ferry JG*. 2009.Methanolobus zinderi sp. nov.,a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from a deep subsurface coal seam. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol59(Pt 5):1064-1069.


Wang M, Zhao Q, Fang X, Hou S, A regulatory gene for fungal cellulase composition/property and its application, China,ZL201310142896.2

Adress:State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Qingdao 266237, P.R. China

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