Degree |
Date |
Affiliation |
Major |
PhD |
2007.6 |
Shandong University |
Microbiology |
Bachelor |
2007.6 |
Northeast Normal University |
Biology |
Research Experience
Date |
Affiliation |
Position |
2012.9-today |
Shandong University |
Associate Professor |
2010.9-2012.8 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Postdoctoral Associate |
2007.7-2010.8 |
Shandong University |
Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer |
Research Interests
My research is focused on the protein expression in industry, incuding the protein secretion mechanism in the fungal cells, reconstruction of cellulose-degrading enzyme system for bioethanol production as well as the enzymes engineering for food production. The research approach combines classical cell biology and molecular biology tools with cutting-edge technologies such as RNAseq to engineer the processes that underlie protein production in cells.
Research Projects
Our research is supported by at least 6 grants from Natioanl the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Basic Research Program of China and the Excellent Young and Middle-Aged Scientist Award Grant of Shandong Province of China.
Representative Publications
Gao J, Qian Y, Wang Y, Qu Y,Zhong Y*. Production of the versatile cellulase for cellulose bioconversion and cellulase inducer synthesis by genetic improvement ofTrichoderma reesei.Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2017,10:272. (*Correspondence)
Qian Y, Zhong L, Gao J, Sun N, Wang Y, Sun G, Qu Y,Zhong Y*. Production of highly efficient cellulase mixtures by genetically exploiting the potentials of Trichoderma reesei endogenous cellulases for hydrolysis of corncob residues.Microbial Cell Factories. 2017,16(1):207. (*Correspondence)
Zhang J, Liu C, Xie Y, Li N, Ning Z, Du N, Huang X,Zhong Y*. Enhancing fructooligosaccharides production by genetic improvement of the industrial fungusAspergillus nigerATCC 20611.Journal of Biotechnology.2017, 249: 25-33. (*Correspondence)
Xie Y, Zhou H, Liu C, Zhang J, Li N, Zhao Z, Sun G,Zhong Y*.A molasses habitat-derived fungusAspergillus tubingensisXG21 with high β-fructofuranosidase activity and its potential use for fructooligosaccharides production.AMB Express.2017,7(1):128. (*Correspondence)
Qian Y, Zhong L, Hou Y, Qu Y,Zhong Y*. Characterization and strain improvement of a hypercellulolytic variant,Trichoderma reeseiSN1, by genetic engineering for optimized cellulase production in biomass conversion improvement.Frontiers in Microbiology ), 2016, 7: 1349. (*Correspondence)
Song W, Han X, Qian Y, Liu G, Yao G,Zhong Y*, Qu Y*. Proteomic analysis of the biomass hydrolytic potentials ofPenicillium oxalicumlignocellulolytic enzyme system.Biotechnology for Biofuels .2016, 9: 68. (*Correspondence)
Zhang X,Zhong Y*, Yang S1, Zhang W, Xu M, Ma A, Zhuang G, Chen G, Liu W*. Diversity and dynamics of the microbial community on decomposing wheat straw during mushroom compost production.BioresouceTechnol(Bioresource Technology). 2014, 170: 183-195. Oct, 2014. (*Correspondence)
Zhong Y, Wang X, Yu H, Liang S, Wang T. Application of T-DNA insertional mutagenesis for improving cellulase production in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei.Bioresource Technology2012, 110: 572–577.
Zhong Y, Yu H, Wang X, Wang T. Towards a novel efficient T-DNA-based mutagenesis and screening system using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a vital reporter in filamentous fungusTrichoderma reesei.Molecular Biology Reports, 2011, 38 (6): 4145–4151.
Zhong Y, Wang TH, Wang XL, Zhang GT, Yu HN. Identification and characterization of a novel gene, TrCCD1, and its possible function in hyphal growth and conidiospore development ofTrichoderma reesei.Fungal Genetics and Biololgy2009, 46 (3): 255-263.
Honors and awards
2016 The first prize for the Young College Teachers’ Teaching Ability held by Shandong University
5 patents from National Intellectual Property Administration, P. R. China