Degree |
Date |
Affiliation |
Major |
PhD |
2000.9-2005.7 |
Shandong University |
Microbiology |
Master |
Bachelor |
1996.9-2000.7 |
Shandong University |
Microbiology |
Research Experience
Date |
Affiliation |
Position |
2005.9 to present |
Shandong University |
Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor |
2008.7-2010.8 |
Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (Prof.Rudolf K. Thauer’s Lab) |
Postdoctoral fellow |
2011.4-2013.6 |
Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (Prof.Rudolf K. Thauer’s Lab) |
Guest Professor |
Research Interests
1. Biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the bioenergy production and carbon cycle by anaerobic bacteria and their application.
2. Microbial degradation of pollutants and its biochemical and molecular mechanisms.
3. Production of valuable compounds bymicrobial fermentation and metabolic engineering of the industrial strains.
Research Projects
1. 2015.01-2018.12, Unravelling the role of flavin-basedelectron bifurcation in energy metabolism of syngas fermentation byClostridium autoethanogenum,National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2. 2012.01-2015.12, The role of Redox-sensing repressor Rex in energy metabolism inClostridium kluyveri,National Natural Science Foundation of China
3. 2010.01-2012.12, Physiology of nicotine degradation byAgrobacterium tumefaciens, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
4. 2009.12-2012.12, Cloning, expression and function analysis of key genes involved in nicotine degradation byAgrobacterium tumefaciens,the Excellent Middle-AgedandYouth Scientist Award Foundation of Shandong Province.
5. 2007.01-2009.12,Studying the nicotine degradation and transformation by Pseudomonas putida, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Representative Publications
1. Wang R.1, Yi J., Shang J.,Yu W., LiZ., Huang H., Xie H., Wang S*. (2019) 6-Hydroxypseudooxynicotine dehydrogenase delivers electrons to electron transfer flavoprotein during nicotine degradation byAgrobacterium tumefaciens S33. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85:e00454-19.
2. Liang J.1, Huang H.,Wang S*. (2019) Distribution, evolution, catalytic mechanism, and physiological functions of the flavin-based electron-bifurcating NADH-dependent reduced ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase.Front. Microbiol.10:373.
3. Yu W.1, Wang R.1, Li H., Liang J., Wang Y., Huang H., Xie H.,Wang S*. (2017) Green route to synthesis of valuable chemical 6-hydroxynicotine from nicotine in tobacco wastes using genetically engineeredAgrobacterium tumefaciens S33.Biotechnol. Biofuels. 10:288.
4. Yu W.1, Wang R., Huang H., Xie H.,Wang S*. (2017) Periplasmicnicotine dehydrogenase NdhAButilizespseudoazurin asitsphysiologicalelectron acceptor inAgrobacterium tumefaciens S33. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 83(17):e01050-17.
5. Huang H.1, Yu W., Wang R., Li H., Xie H., Wang S*. (2017) Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of Agrobacterium tumefaciens S33 reveal the molecular mechanism of a novel hybrid nicotine-degrading pathway. Sci. Rep. 7(1):4813.
6. Li H.1, Xie K.1, Yu W., Hu L., Huang H., Xie, H., Wang S*. (2016) Nicotine dehydrogenase complexed with 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine oxidase involved in the hybrid nicotine-degrading pathway in Agrobacterium tumefaciens S33. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 82(6): 1745–1755.
7. Yu W. 1, Li H., Xie K., Huang H., Xie, H.,Wang S*. (2016) Genome sequence of the nicotine-degrading Agrobacterium tumefaciens S33. J. Biotechnol. 228:1-2.
8. Hu L.1, Huang H.1, Yuan H., Tao F., Xie H.,Wang S*. (2016) Rex inClostridium kluyveri is a global redox-sensing transcriptional regulator.J. Biotechnol.233:17-25.
9. Huang H.1, Hu L., Yu W., Li H., Tao F., Xie H.,Wang S*. (2016) Heterologous overproduction of 2[4Fe4S]- and [2Fe2S]-type clostridial ferredoxins and [2Fe2S]-type agrobacterial ferredoxin.Protein Expres. Purif. 121:1-8.
10. Demmer J. K.1, Huang H.1, Wang S., Demmer U., Thauer R. K.*, and Ermler U*. (2015) Insights intoflavin-basedelectronbifurcation via the NADH- dependentreducedferredoxin: NADP oxidoreductasestructure. J. Biol. Chem. 290(36): 21985-21995.
11. Li H.1, Xie K.1, Huang H.,Wang S*. (2014) 6-Hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridinehydroxylasecatalyzes acentralstep ofnicotinedegradation inAgrobacterium tumefaciens S33.PLoS ONE 9(7): e103324.
12. Mock J.1,Wang S., Huang H., Kahnt J., Thauer R.K*. (2014) Evidence for ahexaheteromericmethylenetetrahydrofolatereductase inMoorella thermoacetica.J. Bacteriol. 196:3303-3314
13. Wang, S.1, Huang, H., Kahnt, J., Mueller, A., Köpke, M, Thauer, R. K*. (2013) NADP-specific electron-bifurcating[FeFe]-hydrogenase in a functional complex with formate dehydrogenase inClostridium autoethanogenum grown on CO.J. Bacterial. 195:4373-4386
14. Wang S.1, Huang, H., Kahnt, J., Thauer, R. K*. (2013)Clostridium acidurici electron-bifurcating formate dehydrogenase. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79: 6176-6179.
15. Wang S.1, Huang H.1, Kahnt J., Thauer R. K*. (2013) A reversible electron-bifurcating ferredoxin- and NAD-dependent [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydABC) inMoorella thermoacetica.J. Bacteriol. 195:1267-1275. (1contributed equally to this work)
16. Huang H.1, Wang S.1, Moll J., Thauer R. K*. (2012) Electron bifurcation involved in the energy metabolism of the acetogenic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica growing on glucose orH2 plus CO2. J. Bacteriol. 194:3689-3699. (1contributed equally to this work)
17. Wang S.1*, Huang H.,Xie K., Xu P*. (2012)Identification of nicotine biotransformation intermediates byAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain S33 suggests a novel nicotine degradation pathway.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 95:1567-1578.
18. Wang S.1, Huang H.1, Moll J., Thauer R. K*. (2010) NADP+ reduction with reduced ferredoxin and NADP+ reduction with NADH are coupled via an electron-bifurcating enzyme complex inClostridium kluyveri. J. Bacteriol. 192: 5115-5123. (1contributed equally to this work)
19. Wang S. N.1, Liu Z., Xu P*. (2009) Biodegradation of nicotine by a newly isolatedAgrobacterium sp. strain S33.J. Appl. Microbiol. 107: 838-847.
20. Tang H. Z.,Wang S. N., Ma L. Y., Meng X. Z., Deng Z. X., Zhang D. K., Ma C. Q., Xu P.* (2008) A novel gene encoding 6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine hydroxylase in nicotine degradation byPseudomonas putida strain S16.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 1567-1574.
21. Wang S. N.1, Liu Z., Tang H. Z., Meng J., Xu P.* (2007) Characterization of environmentally friendly nicotine degradation byPseudomonas putida biotype A strain S16. Microbiology-SGM 153: 1556-1565.
22. Wang S. N.1, Xu P.*, Tang H. Z., Meng J., Liu X. L., Ma C. Q. (2005) ‘Green’ route to 6-hydroxy-3-succinoyl-pyridine from (S)-nicotine of tobacco waste by whole cells of aPseudomonas sp.Environ. Sci. Technol. 39: 6877-6880.
23. Wang S. N.1,Xu P.*, Tang H. Z., Meng J., Liu X. L., Huang J., Chen H., Du Y., Blankespoor H. D. (2004) Biodegradation and detoxification of nicotine in tobacco solid waste by aPseudomonassp.Biotechnol. Lett. 26: 1493-1496.
Honors and awards
1. The 8th Youth Teaching Expert of Shandong University, 2016.
2. The 2nd place award, the Teaching Competition of Shandong Universityintheschool year of2015-2016.
1. Chinese invention patent:Nicotine-degrading Agrobacterium tumefaciens and its application. ZL 200710013069.8. Inventor: Wang S. and Xu P.
2. Chinese invention patent:Nicotine-degrading Pseudomonas putida and its application. ZL 200710013068.3. Inventor: Wang S. and Xu P.
3. Chinese invention patent:Amethod for preparing6-hydroxy-3-succinoyl-pyridine from (S)-nicotine by biocatalyzation. ZL 200510025598.0. Inventor: Xu P., Wang S., Ma C., Tang H., and Du Y.